One of the prominent Television Personality, Rabi Lamichhane is also known as the only reporter to set Guinness World Record for airing a show for around 63 hours. The show was broadcasted by News 24 Television. The show was mainly on the theme ‘Buddha Was Born In Nepal’. And he made the call to all the great politician, celebrities, journalists and all the other representative people.On his non-stop programme, he not only set the record but also could win the heart of thousands of audience by his hard work and dedication.

Besides his show “Ma Rastrako Sewak” that airs on the internet is highly rated show and currently, he runs a new type of show namely “Sidha Kura Janatasanga”. In this show, he makes a real-time connection between the public and the responsible person about the issues. People having some problem with someone that may be a governmental officer, a business person, including a number of Nepalese celebrities, the former Maoist rebel leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the Indian ambassador to Nepal and much more. In fact, he talked to more than hundred persons in the show.
The show is one of the most popular show and has already reached more than a hundred episodes. His way of asking the question to the politician makes everyone feel that he has something potential and he is something different from all others journalist present in the town. Uncovering the bitter truth and giving justice to the people, he has been successful to be in the heart of all Nepalese People.

He completed his degree in journalism with excellent performance. He spent his childhood and some education at his birthplace Nagarkot. And for his further studies, he moved to the USA. He currently lives in Baltimore in the United States, where he is the manager of a branch of the sandwich chain Subway. He has not left his work as a journalist rather he has been able to make many new contributions in the field he has been working.

Rabi Lamichhane Biography

Name: Rabi Lamichhane
Date of Birth: September 5, 1988
Family Name: Lamichhane
Profession: Reporter
Birth Place: Bhaktapur, Nepal
Birth Sign: Pisces
Height: 5 Feet 7 Inch

Rabi Lamichhane Ex wife: Isha Lamichhane

You may now viral on social media Rabi Lamichhane and his Ex wife Isha Lamichhane. He is usually on the offensive but right now he is on the defensive. The defense he is building is against his ex-wife Isha Lamichhane who currently lives in the US along with the now-separated couple two daughters. She has apparently sent a volley of messages to Nepalese journalists purporting to show true colour of Rabi Lamichhane.

Mr Lamichhane pre-empted the his colleagues were planning on his love life by proactively posting a Facebook status on 4 January which basically laid bare his personal life. He told his fans that he married Isha Lamichhane some 24 years ago, that he had two daughters to her. It appears their relationship soured over time and that he was living separately when they were all still in the US.

He has also admitted that he developed an intimate relationship with a foreign lady; after he became estranged from his wife and that a child was born out of that relationship also. But that second attempt at family life, he indicated, was also soon over following which he returned to Nepal and in due course of time became a formidable media force through his now famous Sidha Kura Janta Sanga live talk-show on News24. The status is extremely poignant and emotional and shows the loneliness the star journalist experienced throughout his life.

Rabi Lamichhane gone to Marriage with Nikita Poudel

Rabi Lamichhane is told to be in engaged to Nikita Poudel by his ex wife. But, both Rabi and Nikita deny such relationship. Nikita and Rabi however live in the same apartment and know each other quite well. Nikita says she knows Rabi's ex-wife by her name but haven't met her in person.

Nikita, the daughter of Uddav Poudel, had recently divorced. Nikita and Rabi live in the same apartment. They are “good friends” and Nikita knows the name and details about Rabi’s ex-wife. But, when asked about affair or love relationship, both Rabi and Nikita say that is not true.