NTA, telecommunication regulator in Nepal has filed a petition at Supreme court to reverse the interim order done in favor of CG Telecom. Last week, Supreme court ordered NTA with an interim order to allow Chaudhary Group’s telco business CG telecom to operate Mobile service. SC also decided to scrap the spectrum auction to provide the required spectrum to CG telecom. With that SC order, NTA moves to Apex court to register a petition against it. \
They claim the interim order was not based on legal issues and facts. NTA also argues the order came without any opportunity to clarify for the issue.
NTA acting Chief Mr. Purushuttom Khanal himself and another employee registered the petition, calling the decision to be against the principle of natural justice and the precedent. Source. The decision earlier put CG Telecom into excitement and they expressed to launch 4G mobile service in 2019. Pushpa Kamal Dahal led Government had decided to provide basic telephony license to CG Telecom back in Jestha 14, 2074. But NTA invited telcos for the auction of residual spectrum in 900/1800/2100 MHz band on Poush 4, 2075.
Then CG telecom went to Supreme Court against the frequency auction, which hinders them from getting frequency spectrum. Without frequency spectrum, No telecom operator can start any of the mobile service operation (2G, 3G, 4G). On the basis of that, CG telecom could get the interim order, allowing them to start the mobile service. We could also feel the equal excitement in people especially of remote areas for the new telco if this could fulfill their demand for good telecom service in their place. Now with the petition, it is not known whether this will put the CG telecom service on hold or the order will continue.
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