CG telecom had already started paying the pending sum for the royalty and frequency fees in installment. Out of total 360 million rupees, CG telecom paid the first installement to NTA. Chaudhary Group’s Spokesperson Mr. Madhusudhan Poudel informs of their excitement for the SC decision and will increase their pace for the mobile network developement.
CG Telecom - Unified License
After getting the unified license on Jestha 14, 2074, CG telecom had ramped up their effort for technical and financial management required for the operation of Mobile service. But the NTA had not been positive in providing frequency spectrum and approval to import telecom (radio) equipment to CG Telecom. That hindered CG telecom to install new equipment and operate the Mobile service.CG Telecom 4G Service Start
As known, CG telecom will bring the latest 4G technology and services to the customer soon. The company tells they will provide HD quality voice and affordable high speed data service to the people. Spokesperson also mentions that CG telecom’s mobile service will revolutionize the telecom sector of Nepal.
They have already appointed required employees and consultants for the selection of appropriate vendors for the mobile network. Spokesperson Mr. Paudel also hinted that they have already finalized the Strategic partnership with world renowned International company.
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