Shrinkhala Khatiwada miss world vote

how to vote miss world

This is the first time Nepal is leading Mobstar ranking @ Miss World. Multimedia Award is also not too far if we keep on voting. Let the history be created.
New posts are up, go VOTE.
Those who haven't voted yet, it's damn simple. Wanna know how?

1) Download # MobStar app
2) login via any of yours social media account.
3) Search Shrinkhala Khatiwada. ( you'll find 'me' having blue tick, yellow for ios users.)
4) follow me.
5) Swipe from Left to right on all the posts you see there. It shows, YES! Your vote is casted right there. (1 right swipe = 1 like = 1 vote)
5. Encourage yourself to comment as it's also counted as VOTE.
6. Don't forget to share this amongst your circles to repeat the above process.
Invest your few minutes, it's all for let's do it.
#Nepal #MissWorld #MultimediaAward